March 21, 2010


It's really funny how the human being says things that make absolutely no sense.  However, it's so common and acceptable for us to say.  I put together a few quotes and words that are shortened but, yet still used in the ethnic everyday conversations.  The crazy thing is that white people are even using a few.
  1. Put dis in da fridgerator.  What the hell is a fridgerator?  I'm certain that alot of you reading this right now say this on the regular.  The word "fridgerator" generated from our Southern Grandmothers.
  2. Chile he be trippin. 
  3. You know what i'm saying
  4. My bad.  My fault.  First of all, "MY BAD"  Who stepped on my foot Buckwheat from the Little Rascals?  Also, I know it's your damn fault and the proper thing to say is excuse me.
  5. I be like. 
  6. The devil made me do it.  STOP giving the devil too much credit.  You did it and now's the time to own up to it.
  7. He was like no right. So, I said no nothing right.  He got all mad right.  How many damn times are you going to say right?  No Butthead you're wrong.
  8. You be drawn.  No I'm human and not a cartoon.  Nobody drawed me.Bye Bye.  What are you two years old?  Why the hell are you telling another adult bye bye?
I just shared with you eight daily sayings used in the urban dialect.  If I left anything out post your comment so that it can be added to the list.  Peace.  Again, thank you so much for supporting my blog.  My promise to you is that you will never visit this site not laugh.

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