July 2, 2011

Street Files

For the last few weeks I have been M.I.A.  However, I am back and this time in full effect.  I would like to continue posting out of the block.  This topic should be of concern to anyone who had or has the opportunity to mentor someone that you fill is heading to a road of destruction.  In this article you will find different stories provided by different sites about the consequences kids face from traveling down dark paths.  Through these different young men you will see why it's so easy to succumb to a life of destruction.  Something that starts off so innocent can end up being a disaster.  Something so mediocre as a rap song can turn your child into a beast.  Check out the story below about George "Boy George" Rivera.
By the age of 21, George "Boy George" Rivera was a multi-millionaire.  He was brilliant, ambitious, and seen an opportunity to be an entrepreneur and ran with it.  Unfortunately, that was to be a drug entrepreneur.  Allegedly, he made over $15 million in a two year run. Boy George and his Bronx, NY based heroin organization grossed $250,000 a week. Boy George, barely out of his teens, built himself a reputation of being one of the wealthiest drug lords to come out of New York and one of the youngest to be charged with the kingpin statute. During this time in the 80's the crack epidemic was growing and kept the attention of the higher ups.  Therefore, this kept the attention off of his heroin ring.  Just like most young men in the streets, George became flashy and flamboyant.  On Christmas Eve he rented a yacht and threw a party and gave his whole crew Rolex watches for a token of his appreciation.  Little did he know was that this party would be the party that leads to his demise.  There were three off duty New York City detectives aboard as part of the yacht security.   However when it came time to talk to the DEA, these detectives were uncooperative and during George’s trial they remained steadfast in their refusal to testify to what they had witnessed.  But, we all know that drug game is a dirty game and few remain with with stories to tell. The eventually convicted him oattempted tax evasion charged in count fourteen and to one count of using or carrying a firearm during a drug trafficking crime used by narcotics dealers to camouflage their activities.  He once quoted in an interview with DonDiva Magazine that "if he had made it to his car, he would be a free man".  This is from an obsession with purchasing cars with the same gadgets as James Bond cars.  Point of the story is he didn't make it to his car.
At the age of 15, Calvin Klein was in and out of prison.  He caught an attempted murder case in Maryland with  young Jay-Z that had him looking at a 45 year bid, if convicted.  Because the rapper Jay- Z had a promising career in rap he took the plea bargain and paid $50,000 to have Jay Z dropped from the case.  Calvin Klein played a major part in the streets of New York along with his now deceased partner, Danny.  This all led to 14yrs out of his youth.  Klein was promised by Jay-Z that when he was released from prison Jay would take care of him (financially).  Unfortunately, when he came home Jay proved not to be a man of his word and renigged on his offer of financial support and raped Klein of his image.  The moral of this story is there's limited loyalty in the fast life.
Wayne Perry is known in the Washington, D.C. area as one of the most notorious hit men.  Where as Perry mastered the act of murder, he failed the test of trust.  Had Wayne followed the rules of the street and trusted no one he probably will free at this moment.  But, he broke all rules by trusting and joining forces with a now known "RAT" that will sell out and murder his own friends for the love of money.  Wayne Perry is the cousin of Rayford Edmond.  Rayford is who allegedly introduced Washington, D.C. to  crack cocaine.  It has been rumored that Wayne was involved of the murder of NBA prospect, Karlton Hines.  Hines dropped out of sports with the same goals as many other misled black boys to be a successful drug dealer.  Allegedly, he also been rumored to have involvement in over 100 murders.  He was labeled top enforcer to successfully carry out hits for drug crews and drug cartels.  In fact, he was so feared that whenever he drove through the streets of D.C. in his Mercedes crews would scatter because they knew if they seen him it was about to get ugly.  His activities outside of murder was bank robberies and gambling.  Wayne was hired as protection for then 17 yr. old drug dealer from Harlem, N.Y., Alpo Martinez.  A lot of you have heard of Alpo through the movie "Paid N Full". His character was portrayed by rapper, Cameron.  Allegedly, Wayne carried out many hits in order to keep Alpo alive.  However, things did pan out as they should have.  Wayne Perry is now serving life sentences in the Control Unit of ADX prison.  This is the result of trusting someone you don't know. 
Karlton Hines was an excellent basketball player at the age of 15.  He received over 35 letters from colleges around the world for the sport of basketball.  But, he had his mind set on Syracuse.  He was an all-star with similar skills of Lebron James.  Due to ferocious dunks he was nicknamed Duncan Hines.  But all of this changed after an argument with his coach and he decided to quit the team four months before his graduation.  After battling self-depression, he decided to play a few pick up games for money with a friend.  He was paid by drug dealers between 5 and 10 thousand dollars to play against other players.  He  became intrigued with the drug dealing lifestyle and shortly after he began hustling.  He was arrested at the age of 18 for stabbing a neighborhood man with a broken bottle.  This was in self defense.  He was released in 30 days.  The he hustled with a vengeance.  He was eventually assigned a team to hustle with him and the crew started averaging 100,000 per day.  After the birth of his second child he decided to get out of the drug game.  He was later approached to try out for the United Basketball society from a recruiter.  Karlton's friend, Bee-o threw a party for Karlton on his birthday.  Karlton was having custom-made seats put in his Lexus; they went to the shop to pick up his car.  One of the detailers was trying to talk him into purchasing a car alarm system.  After following the salesperson to question how the system worke he was frozen as bullets began to ring out.  When the shots stopped, the crew realized it Carlos was hit.  While others were rushing to his side, they saw Karlton lying on the ground in his own blood.  Karlton Hines died April 8,1994.  The moral of this story is to be a leader.  Because following can cost you your life.  
As always I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your support and may God bless you abundantly.


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