April 21, 2011

Part 2:Devil Worshiping In The Entertainment Industry Exclusives

Previously,  I wrote a post regarding Devil Worshiping In  Entertainment.  I listed a few artist that are being accused of  participating in "The Secret Society".  As I stated earlier that my curiosity of the subject was heightened after speaking with my aunt on the subject. Well, I have went further into research of the matter and let's just say it's horrifying.  The reason why it's horrifying to me because I love to read.  Oddly, one would think that I love to read everything because I host a blog.  That isn't true at all.  I enjoy fiction.  Now, we all know that the mind is a mental playground.  If the wrong thing enter your mind and travels to your spirit can be the cause of  a spiritual catastrophe.  This is so deep that I was reading a Urban Novel after writing the previous post and literally had to put the book down because it felt dirty.  It felt like Satan himself was trying to find a way to enter my temple.  Scary and Deep at the same time.  But, when you think about it we have been experiencing the evils of Satan from babies.  For example, Satan was able to enter the mind of the Anne Wood.  If you have or was around a child in 1996 you will definitely know the Teletubbies.  The Teletubbies were a children series aimed at pre-school viewers. Many children fell in love with these colorful, animated cartoon characters.  In fact, they were so popular that they had their very own interactive toys.  But, if you listen closely to the Red Teletubbie named, Poe you can hear him chant a homosexual phrase.  Click on video below and listen closely.

This Illuminati thing is big.  It goes way over our head.  People will actually sell their soul in sacrifice of fame and fortune.  But, the list of the members are shocking.  Professor Griff exposes a lot  of entertainers in hip-hop who allegedly sell their souls to Satan such as Flava Flav, Jay-Z, Rhianna, Beyonce', and too many others that I care not to name.  
 However, some artist raised the eyelids of inquiring minds.  Professor Griff goes as far to share specifics on artist and entertainers that allegedly  participates in The Illuminati.  Below he you can hear a brief snippet of the interview with Professor Griff at a book signing in Philadelphia.

This post may appear to be a little longer than others only because there are a lot of subliminal messages that we choose to overlook.  In this post I intend to share with you different snippets from current and archived interviews and videos of entertainers that allegedly participate in The Illuminati.  Let's began with Lauryn Hill from the popular group, The Fugees.  There were rumors of Lauryn and co-group mate, Wyclef being romantically involved in a relationship that turned sour.  Some media will claim this to be the end of The Fugees.  Well, it's rumored that Lauryn Hill threatened to open her mouth and in result it ended with her being labeled mentally unstable.  View video below and watch what happens later.
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6cxrQRZST68?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>iframe>
Now, I want you to see this exclusive with Michael Jackson speaking about Mariah Carey's ex-husband, Tommy Mottola.

For some reason this one takes the cake for me.  Biggie, Diddy, Suge Knight, Tupac, and Quincy Jones...(pause)  I can't even give an opinion on it.  Please click below to view...
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Gyx-OVhaCbU?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>iframe>

Now listen to this interview as Maino openly admits that there is a such thing as "The Illuminati"  However, he doesn't partake. 

This clipping below is by far the best.  Minister Louis Farrakhan is now summing up the reason to all of this madness.  Please view and comment.................................

I thank you guys so much for visiting my site and pray that this information is taken seriously.  Let's be appreciative for the knowledge that we received together on this topic.  May God continue to bless you all abundantly...Peace............


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