April 4, 2010

The Key To A Successful Blog

This blogging thing is crazy.  Yet amazing at the sametime.  I have read so many blogs on how to get followers, how to make money, how to generate traffic on your blog etc.  It's too much information at one time.  Geesh, I can't make no money because I am reading all this shit on how to do this and that.  Well, I came up with my own solution.  I blog because I like to share my thoughts.  I enjoy sharing opinions with others.  I blog because its a stress reliever to me.  I blog because I have fun doing so.  I think the key to a successful blog is to do it for the love and fun of expressing yourself freely.  Look at it like a job that you actually like.  If I have more readers than I do followers than oh well, I welcome them both.  Fall in love with your craft and utilize it to touch issues that are taboo to others.  If you concentrate on what you get out of blogging then you aren't putting your all into blogging.  Moral to this story is have fun with this blogging thing.

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