October 11, 2010


Yesterday, I was scrolling through Facebook and a posting of someone speaking negative about the president captured my attention.  To say that it was offensive would be an understatement.  It was not only disrespectful but embarrassing.  I was shocked to hear a black woman disrespect our president so blatantly.  What she failed to realize is that a black president shares similar woes of a black female in this country.  It was verbally written in stone that a black man would never stand a chance as being a president.  Also, it was a time when a black woman would never make more than a man. We meaning "African Americans" has witnessed and became a significant part of history.  Before, I go any further I decided to share with you this post below:

did u c ur prez barack odrama?im tired of his ass keep comin2philly wit these empty ass speeches we r n recession n got problems wit r schools if he aint givin us n e funds he need not2come back if he aint gonna b part of d solution hes part of d problem im nette n i approve dis message money talks bullshit walks

First of all, it might just be me but, I am hearing the voice of Eddie Murphy playing the character, "Buckwheat" from a Saturday Night Live skit.  But, what kills me is that they are blaming this recession on him.  Rome wasn't built overnight.  Therefore, America can't be rebuilt in 8 seconds.  Now, I want you to read the second post following this topic. 

 sum of u ppl need2fall back cuz i dont like obama y'all daddy i dont b joe n b on sum1s nutsack cuz hes blk. sum of y'all blk ppl need2stop waitin4superman n do things4r selves when obama was elected alot of us was like man we got blk pres hes gonna change things. girl stop it.y did he fire that woman when republicans lied on her? u dont fire sum 1b4hearin all d facts im lynnette n i approve dis message

  • Lynnette Lucas and 2 others like this.

    • Cassandra WhoIbe Childs HE S DOING HIS BEST THE HELL WITH A SUPERMAN!!!!!! WHAT DO U WANT FROM THE MAN ? im just askn
      16 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Leatrice V Brantley I signed on 4 Team Obama and Im gonna see this thing out..yes, he listened to his advisers without checking the facts for himself...when you look at his SHORT record, he's done things, STOPPED a war..got Health care passed, deregulated the banking & credit card industries, put 3 women on the SUPREME COURT..he won the Nobel Peace Prize and STILL we bitching..Im going to the polls on Nov 2 and VOTE the DEMOCRATIC ticket..
      16 hours ago ·  ·  3 people

    • Lynnette Lucas i dont want shit he needed2get his damn facts straightb4 he decided2fire the woman in his cabinet over sumtin d republicans said then he fucked u p n tried2hire her back but she declined hes a nut
      16 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

      16 hours ago · 

    • Leatrice V Brantley Don't give up the brother just yet..he just found out how this country really works..the corporations, the Bank of America, General Motors, and the drug & oil companies run this M*ther...Could you image a Sarah Pail or Christine O'Donnelle in the White House ..???? No Ma'am..Homeboy is either gonna do right or he's gonna be a "One hit wonder"..but Im sticking it out cuz I don't have a choice..!!!!
      16 hours ago · 

    • Lynnette Lucas 

      dont vote democratic vote4 right person n leatrice we had 500 billion surplus n d health insurance was bush agenda look it up. as far as bankin r u serious? he bailed out d bankers who causes this mess n gave banks billions who didnt need ...See More

      16 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Lynnette Lucas c what i mean the brother? like i said a blk thing he aint my brother his dad's shoes wasnt under my mom's bed its all bout color y couldnt u said give d man a chance instead a brother? the oil companies banks n general motors but that clown bailed all of them out when Bo destroyed d gulf pres should went2louisiana n offer apology2family who lost their fam he waited week later
      16 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Lynnette Lucas cassandra girl wat r u talkin bout wat have he done??? like wat? plz tell me i get my facts on web
      16 hours ago · 

    • Leatrice V Brantley Check your facts, Bush inherited a $50 billion surplus from the Clinton Administration..the rest is history..our country is still in a recession because of the Bush era politics..if the banks hadn't been bailed out, everyday people like you & I would be living like the Africans in the Congo or Samolia..I sticking to my light-skinned brother..until some one better shows up..♥
      16 hours ago · 

    • Cassandra WhoIbe Childs i understand u get uryall not even giving the man a chance i mean cum on things take time like he still cleaning up shit bush fucked up like really his tryn fall back n give the man a chance would u !!!!!!!!!
      16 hours ago · 

    • Lynnette Lucas ‎500 million surplus sweetie n i do have my facts straight i look up my facts u can find it there go2 congress web site r washington post he bailed out banks who done this in d 1st place givin 2much like they were rewarded4 fuckin up 1st of all he did give all d banks $$$ alot of them sent their $$$ back cuz they said they didnt need it n d ones he bailed n didnt need money spent it friviously on expensive parties vacations
      16 hours ago · 

    • Lynnette Lucas wat r u talkin bout girl? go look up ur facts go 2 congress we page n wshington post not just web if everybody read instead of b n on fb they would know that was computers was originally4 educational purposes n fact finding smfh
      16 hours ago · 

    • Lynnette Lucas hallelujah n praise d lord brenda finally a person who has sense n reasonable without blinders tell em again dey all crooks sweetie ppl get blinded cuz of looks n color n unfortunately2many of my blk ppl get crazy cuz hes 1st blk pres like hes superman n treatin him like d2nd comin of christ thats y other races r ahead of us we keep waitin4ppl2help us when we need2help ourselves how sad
      16 hours ago · 

    • Leatrice V Brantley We do have options..1. move somewhere else 2. Stay 3. Do something about things you don't like..4..Vote 4 your candidate of

      16 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Lynnette Lucas i do i vote vote but dont wait4sum1 2do sumtin4me
      15 hours ago · 

    • Lynnette Lucas yes they r i wish ppl realize this but they dont theyre2busy b n in luv wit obama smh
      15 hours ago · 

    • Lynnette Lucas by d way his approval ratings r very low
      15 hours ago · 

    • Lynnette Lucas thats funny bren lol
      15 hours ago · 

    • Rasheema Kearney 

      I'm just waiting for Bojangles to start dancing on this page. Obama is doing what he said he would do. Rome wasn't built overnight and neither was America. Obama may not be pulling money out his pocket but he's given our young black men ...See More

      15 hours ago · 

    • Lynnette Lucas child theres a recession im out of a job motivation dont pay d rent d stimulus stimulated unemployment as i stated earlier he bailed out banks n general motors u f*cked up d economy n bailed out banks who caused alot of dis mess n fired d lady who worked4him by lies by republicans he shouldnt have fired her without hearin all d facts i republicans n democrats need2leave my money alone
      14 hours ago · 

      14 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Rasheema Kearney I'm sorry but I don't see where the president is party responsible for you not being employed. Brenda, I don't care how much cotton your family picked or how poor you have grown up because in the end of the day you will never experience the same feelings that we meaning "the black race" felt when Obama was elected to our president. You and I both know that if Obama was white it would be a sign of disrespect the way the white republicans are treating him.
      14 hours ago · 

    • Rasheema Kearney sorry typo. I didn't mean to say party.
      14 hours ago · 

    • Rasheema Kearney Exactly...It's a touchy subject.
      14 hours ago · 

    • Rasheema Kearney What do you mean "with the black people" Next time say with the colored people.
      14 hours ago · 

  • Lynnette Lucas likes this.
    • Lynnette Lucas girl u aint offend me i like ur style n get where ur comin from i wish more ppl were like u
      18 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Brenda Johnson I get really upset about my childhood.
      18 hours ago · 
    • Lynnette Lucas im sorry2hear that n mine werent great either maybe we should get 2getha n listen 2hank williams a tear n my beer lol
      18 hours ago · 
    • Brenda Johnson Garth Brookes friends in low places hahahah.
      18 hours ago · 
    • Lynnette Lucas lol
      18 hours ago · 
 Now, I would like to share the comments posted by someone that was erased and retrieved from my email.
Brenda wrote:
Brenda wrote:
"exactly Lynnette no matter color or repul. or Demo get all the facts before you go and fire someone.  I am so sick of the color issue. I came from a very very very poor white family who picked cotton my mother gave birth to my sister in the damn cotton field."
Brenda wrote:
"my point is my family was picking cotton with the black people and I am happy you feel so much better having OBAMA."
Brenda wrote:
"not worth my time"
Brenda wrote:
"What ever blacked colored make up your mind. what you want white people to call you. Lynette I have much respect for you."
Brenda wrote:
"Yes it is however I felt like white trash all my life not damn president helped any of us either. when you are trageted as white trash you don't get much rights either. my dad worked his ass off. and never got anywhere."
Brenda wrote:
"I would just like to say my prince is a black man he saved my life and I love him and I told him so too."

These are mere comments to disguise the following phrases she would have liked to say:
Niggers get over it.
Whatever it is you people would like for us to call you.
I do like niggers.  I have a nigger friend.
I will not go back and forth with you niggers

This has clearly turned into a modern minstrel show.  I would like to hear your comments and opinions regarding this post.  Thank you guys so much for being a part of my blogging and may God bless you abundantly.

Intense Debate Comments