July 24, 2011

Celebrities Dead Before 35

Sadly, songstress Amy Winehouse was found dead at the age of 27 in her home. Details or cause of her death is unknown as of now.  However, there are many speculations that is circulating through the tabloids and the Internet.  We all are quite familiar with Amy's longtime drug and alcohol abuse.  But, that doesn't justify or consolidate any reasons for her to be dead at such an early age.  At the age of 27, some of our lives are just beginning.  Again, I am uncertain of details surrounding the cause of her death but, the life of Stardom seems so dark and empty.  If you pay attention to certain celebrity photos you can notice the dark and emptiness in their eyes.  Some seem empty. Before, deviating from the topic.  I have listed a few celebrities including athletes that died young because of drugs.  Again, this doesn't mean that I'm saying that drugs are the cause of Amy Whinehouse death.
After recording on the evening of the 3rd, Janis Joplin and band member, Ken Pearson had a couple of drinks at Barney's Beanery.  Just after midnight, they drove back to the hotel at 7047 Franklin. Inside room 105, she shot up her last fix of heroin. She returned to the hotel lobby to get change for a five dollar bill, for cigarettes. She chatted casually with the hotel clerk, who later said she seemed perfectly natural (and he didn't know who she was). When she returned to her room, she collapsed beside the bed, almost breaking her nose. She was wedged against a bedside table, with a cigarette in her hand.  One of her band members, became alarmed when she didn't show up for the recording session the next morning, and after unsuccessfully trying to reach her by telephone, he went to the hotel, broke down the door and found her dead. She was 27 years old.
Nancy Spungen was born In Philadelphia in 1958. A disturbed child, in later years was described as, "unbelievably thick-skinned" and one person recalled, "one of the most unlikable people I've met. Everybody could see through her - except Sid." She was already a junkie and working as a prostitute in London when she and Sid met at a party in 1977. According to some, it was Nancy that got him hooked on hard drugs. Sid and Nancy became inseparable, but a burden to the rest of the band. Think John Lennon and Yoko Ono.
Sid and Nancy had a colorful visit with Nancy's parents for a few days. Before they moved on, Nancy announced to her mother "I'm going to die very soon. Before my 21st birthday. I won't live to be 21. I'm never going to be old. I don't ever want to be ugly and old. I'm an old lady now anyhow. I'm 80. There’s nothing left. I've already lived a whole lifetime. I'm going out. In a blaze of glory."
On October 12th 1978 Between the hours of 4am and 9am Nancy Spungen was killed in the bathroom of room 100 by a single stab wound to the stomach (just below the navel).
According to the crime report - Sid stated that around 1am they had an argument, Nancy was sitting on the edge of the bed, flicking the knife and he went to sleep. He woke up in the morning and the bed was wet with blood. He thought he had pissed himself. He found Nancy on the bathroom floor - still breathing. He left, for the methadone clinic. Returning, he washed off the knife, and attempted to wash her off as well. A tidy home is a happy home. When he couldn't get her clean, he called for help. 
He said he had no recollection of what happened to her.
Later he said she hit him and he hit her on the top of the head and knocked her onto the bed. "I stabbed her but I didn't mean to kill her. I loved her, but she treated me like shit."
He also said she must have fallen on the knife and that she must have dragged herself into the bathroom. As you do.
Sid was charged with second degree murder the same day and was taken to Rikers Island. He was back on the streets a week later when some mega-lenient judge saw it fit to grant him $50,000 bail. On his release, Sid and his mother checked into the Seville Hotel and it was here on October 22nd 1978, Sid made his first suicide attempt
He was rushed to the psychiatric ward of the Bellevue hospital, detoxed and again released by the judge, pending an evaluation. There was also the condition that he report to the police everyday and attend the methadone clinic.
Back in London - Malcolm McClaren printed up shirts with Sid's image holding a knife, and the slogan, "She's Dead, I'm Yours."
After being released from Rikers a second time (awesome!) where he had been put for fighting with Patti Smith's brother Todd at ‘Hurrah’s’ music club (on 62nd and Broadway), he hooked up with an unemployed actress named Michelle Robinson. She was hot to land that catch. Oh, Sid's mom came to New York as well, to help out with Sid's legal issues... and wreak havoc.
Celebrating Sid's release, they held a party in Michelle's flat. Sid wore an I Love New York t-shirt and jeans. He ate spaghetti bolognese. Around midnight he shot up heroin. He had been clean for a week, and it hit him hard. He collapsed and his lips and face were blue. They wrapped a blanket around him, and he came around. Mum said, "you gave us a fright!" Sid got up to puke, but ended up not being able to. 
Having recovered, he conversed with Michelle and his Mum for roughly two hours, and retired to bed. Mum slept on the sofa. Michelle and the love of her life, were in bed. He had no more drugs, and no alcohol.
Mum woke around 8am to make herself a cuppa. She peeked in and saw Sid and Michelle sleeping, and heard Sid cough, and went back to snoozing. She woke again at noon and entered the bedroom to kiss Sid on the forehead. He was dead. In his sleep, nude, face up, in an apartment.
There is a common report that Sid's mum "ordered in" the heroin herself, like a good mum would, to save Sid from having to score it on his own. However, according to the police report, the heroin was obtained by "a friend."
There is another report that Sid asked Michelle to shoot him up with heroin, as he had the shakes. She left the room, told Mrs. Vicious - who then entered the room and shot him up. Thanks MUM!
In her own words:
Simon had a rose pink aura around his whole body. I said , 'Jesus, son that must have been a good hit.' He was elated, quietly so. Elated on the inside, coming out, creating the aura."

Mum wasn’t able to comply 100% with Sid’s wishes, his having been already incinerated. The Spungen family said HELL NO, and refused to tell her where Nancy was buried. According to legend, she found out anyway. She waited till dark, then scrambled over the wall of the cemetery and dumped Sid on top of Nancy's grave.
Kurt Cobain and his wife Courtney Love, moved into a house  located in Seattle, Washington.  Shortly after they moved in, Love and Cobain had an argument, and Kurt locked himself in a room. Love feared that Kurt was going to do it (kill himself) then, and called the police. They came, and confiscated three handguns, a semiautomatic rifle, and 25 boxes of ammunition.  Allegedly, Kurt once said something about joining "The 27 Club", which is a group of famous musicians who all died at age 27 (Hendrix, Joplin, Morrison, etc...), and that he purposely committed suicide at age 27 to do so.
On Friday the 8th of April 1994, at 8:40am, an electrician named Gary Smith had come to install a burglar alarm. He was told that the occupants were out of town. Upon looking in the window above the garage he discovered Kurt.   Coroners estimated he'd been dead for 3 days. He was wearing jeans and a light colored T-shirt. 
On the floor next to his body, was his drivers license, and on a shelf about 10 feet away, skewered into a potted plant by a pen, was his one page suicide note, written in red ink. Some of the note read, "It's better to burn out than fade away…I haven't felt the excitement…for too many years now," "I feel guilty beyond words about these things… when we are backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowd begins, it doesn't affect me." "The fact is…I can't fool you, any of you. It simply isn't fair to you or to me… the worst crime I can think of would be to pull people off by faking it and pretending as if I were having 100% fun." He signed it, "I love you. I love you."  Kurt was 27 years old when he died.  He also suffered from a longtime heroin addiction.
Jimi Hendrix died at 27 years old, leaving behind only 4 completed albums.  Although he was staying in a London hotel at the time, on September 18th, 1970 Jimi was sleeping in his girlfriend Monika Danneman's flat.  She left for cigarettes around 10:20, came back and saw him covered in vomit. She could not wake him and  called Jimi's good friend Eric Burdon and explains that she could not wake Jimi up, and he's covered in puke. Eric shouted into the phone, "CALL THE FUCKING AMBULANCE!" Monika wasn't sure she should, because Jimi might get mad about the scandal. Burdon repeated his order. The ambulance attendants arrived about 20 minutes later, wrapped him up, and carried Jimi out of her flat. 
"Instead of laying him down in the ambulance, they sat him in a chair and strapped him upright. He tried to bend over so he could vomit, but one of the attendants quickly pushed his head back and strapped him in tighter. Jimi's head lolled back as the ambulance driver took off. The speeding ambulance pressed his body back in the chair and made it even more difficult for him to get his head down. He felt bile and vomit near his Adam's apple. Jimi was unable to speak. Even if he could, the ball of vomit in his throat prevented him. The vomit massed in his vocal chords. His lungs became congested. His heart began to pump harder, and the right ventricle dilated. Fluid began to seep into his lungs. He was rushed from the ambulance into St.Mary Abbots Hospital. The doctors work on him for over an hour, to no avail."  
He was pronounced dead at 11:25 am. His last meal was a tuna sandwich.  He also used the drug barbiturate intoxication which contributed to choking on his own vomit.
Len Bias led Maryland to the second round of the 1986 NCAA Tournament.   During his four year career he never made it past the sweet sixteen.  The 22 year old forward died of cardiac arrest caused by a cocaine overdose on June 19,1986.  This was two days after being selected with the second overall pick from the Boston Celtics.   
This leads us up to the sadly missed Amy Winehouse.  May she rest in peace.  Be blessed all and thank you for your constant support...............................................

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