December 4, 2011

Lamaris Smile

A short time ago a young lady was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.  Her Aunt and I developed a friendship through work.  This is how I learned of her illness.  The first word most of us associate Cancer with is Death.  It's a time that one's faith is truly tested.  Earlier this year, my Grandfather was diagnosed with Cancer.  I freaked out.  I was angry and I questioned why God would curse my family.  I wondered how such an excellent father, husband, grandfather, and etc. deserved to be cursed with such an ugly illness.  When I thought of Lamaris I suddenly felt ashamed of my selfishness.  Here it is she hasn't given up fighting from Day 1 and I was ready to give up Faith in God for a sickness that I wasn't diagnosed with.  How dare one be so selfish.  I admire her strength, courage, spirit, and most of all her SMILE.  Til' this very day Lamaris smiles.  She may not realize it but her smile has helped restored the Faith of many.  Thank You Lamaris for your "SMILE".

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