April 13, 2010

Have You Ever Watched A Porno All The Way Through

Today a few ladies and myself were having an open discussion that is almost taboo for alot of us.  The Question of the day is "Have you ever watched a porno from beginning to end?"  This question is for both sexes male and females.  Personally, I don't like pornos.  I remember when I was a little girl and my cousins Nikki and I going down North Carolina.  Her grandmother whom is also my Aunt Fannie May was the first person that I ever seen with the playboy channel.  Of Course, it was Uncle Tom's channel.  But, I thought that it was the funniest thing.  I also remember when there was a Video Odessy Store in the shopping plaza near our home that had a pornography section closed off in the back of the store for adults.  The tapes were red.  One day my mom told me to return her movie when I got out of school.  I didn't think anything of it at the time and I didn't even pay attention to the name of the vhs tape.  But, the cashiers were looking at me funny and one was bold enough to question me.  "Who Vanessa del Rio tape is this?"  All you heard were whispering and snickers behind me.  Enough said!!!!!  Okay let's here your intake on pornography and please answer the question.  I want to hear from you :)  Also, check out my site on youtube under Rasheema Kearney's Channel for up and personal answers regarding this question. 
Again, thank you guys for following and if you haven't followed but just read this blog I love you that much more.  Be Blessed!!!!Patty's watch the whole porno.3gp click on this link

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