April 25, 2010


I think when a couple decide to part ways mutually it is whole lot better and reduces alot of tension.  But, the hardest break up is infidelity.  Then again, some of the places that we meet these jerks should always be a warning sign for the future.  If you meet a guy in church hopefully, you will remain in the church.  If you meert a man/woman in a club.  Sadly, they still will go to the club with the same intentions that they had for you in the first meeting from that club.  But, come on now THE PARTY LINE. 

Years ago someone met a man on the party line.  Strangely, they developed a relationship.  She began to visit her knew beau and the sex was amazing.  But, this was just too good to be true.  They broke up steming from theParty Line.  This guy actually had the nerve to still visit the party line.  Unbeknownst to him she had his pin number.  Oh this dude was a foreigner and apparently loved to spread his foreign penis.  That someone who name I can't mention because not only did they allow me to share the story but, I had to go through too much groveling for their permission.  Anyway, that someone called the next day to talk about their break-up.  Here's her words "Its over.  I caught that motherfucker on the party line again"  Duh, you met him there and now you're going to dump him there.

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