Amos and Andy was the first all black cast show to air in 1951. In 1956, Nat King Cole was the first to air on network television. These shows laid the foundation for today's television. Today, we have more African Americans that are directing, producing, writing and many more things that involve the quality of television shows. This is a major accomplishment. But, the only way that we will continue to succeed is if we support one another. One way of support is by word of mouth. Social Media has become the best way of advertisement as well. Use Face book and Twitter for things of importance. Start now by supporting Philadelphia's own Lux. Lux has created a new series that was filmed in Philadelphia. The name of the series is "The Rackett". I linked a preview of the trailer and ask that you go to "The Rackett" fan page on face book. By liking this page you are supporting the Urban community. Click below for a preview of "The Rackett"
Thank you so much for your constant support. May you all be blessed abundantly. Peace...
A short time ago a young lady was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Her Aunt and I developed a friendship through work. This is how I learned of her illness. The first word most of us associate Cancer with is Death. It's a time that one's faith is truly tested. Earlier this year, my Grandfather was diagnosed with Cancer. I freaked out. I was angry and I questioned why God would curse my family. I wondered how such an excellent father, husband, grandfather, and etc. deserved to be cursed with such an ugly illness. When I thought of Lamaris I suddenly felt ashamed of my selfishness. Here it is she hasn't given up fighting from Day 1 and I was ready to give up Faith in God for a sickness that I wasn't diagnosed with. How dare one be so selfish. I admire her strength, courage, spirit, and most of all her SMILE. Til' this very day Lamaris smiles. She may not realize it but her smile has helped restored the Faith of many. Thank You Lamaris for your "SMILE".
As I write this article I can not help but to ask myself the meaning of Hip Hop. Truthfully, I can't give a direct definition to the meaning of Hip Hop. Now if you asked me the meaning of Hip Hop twenty years ago, I could sum it up with four words, "A Way Of Life". In the early 80's, Hip Hop was considered a culture among the black community. Every song had a message. Every message was positive. That was a time when your parents would sing rap verbatim. One of the best Hip Hop albums recorded was "Into The Battle The Art Of Noise". It was strictly instrumental. The beats were insane. When we we speak of Hip Hop, you have to pay homage to the originators. I'm talking about the greats that layed the structure down for groups like The Furious Five, Sugar Hill Gang, Treacherous Three and etc. I'm talking about the disc jockeys such as the late, Jocko Henderson that described rap as rhythm talk. In this article we will travel to many places in Hip Hop. One of those places will be the movies that prepared us for this new movement, Hip Hop. Movies such as Wild Style, Breakin', Beat Street and Krush Groove. Many people were inspired by these movies. I'm going to take you behind the scenes of Beat Street. I was blessed with the opportunity to interview the writer of Beat Street, Steven Hager. Check out his interview below.
OR: Beat Street has and will always be a major monument in Hip Hop. What was the inspiration behind Beat Street ?
SH: I went to an art show in Long Island City titled New York/New Wave, curated by Diego Cortez. "Break" a photo of a subway car painted by Futura 2000 was included (along with hundreds of other photos of graffiti art). "These Are They Breaks" by Kurtis Blow was just starting to climb the charts, one of the first rap songs to enter the mainstream. While staring at Futura's painting, it occurred to me graffiti and rap music were deeply connected. I went on a search to find Futura so I could write about him (and buy a framed photo of "Break"), and in the process, made connections with Fab Five Freddy and Afrika Bambaataa.
OR: I must say this a thousand times a day, Hip Hop is a culture. I can clearly remember going to the movies when Beat Street was first released. Everything amazed me. I was intrigued by the graffiti (art), the New Yorker dialogue, breakers, and music. Every kid in the 80’s era wanted to move to New York and become a rapper after seeing Beat Street . It wasn’t until I did the research on Beat Street did I learn the writer, Steven Hager was white. Are many people surprised when they meet you?
SH: Nobody today seems surprised by my whiteness. But I have to admit a few people did look at me funny when I was attending Bam's shows at Bronx River Projects, where I'd often be the only white face in the crowd. After the shows were over, Bam always put a bodyguard on me to make sure I made it back to the subway.
OR: In 1983, Charlie Alhern released Wild Style. Wild Style was the first Hip Hop movie. Wild Style is actually the movie that introduced the art of free styling and party battles. In May of 1984, Charlie Parker and Allen DeBevoise released Breakin’. Sadly, I can’t say that it really fit into the hip hop culture. It definitely wasn’t a great movie to be released after Wild Style. On June 6, 1984, a beast was released. Beat Street the king of the beat.
Did you ever expect for Beat Street to hit as big as it did? If not, why?
SH: Actually, I was pretty disappointed with the final product. My script was closer to Boyz n the Hood. It was closer to reality. I didn't recognize any of the interiors or characters in the final film. They all seemed way too middle class, and not street smart (except for the dancers and rappers who were just playing themselves.) What saves the movie are the battles with New York City Breakers and the Rocksteady Crew, and a few of the rap performances. One major problem is that I wanted the Furious Five and the Treacherous Three in the film, but the Furious were in the midst of a huge legal problem and Flash couldn't even perform for several months or use his name. The Cold Crush Brothers would have been a viable substitution, and I encourage Harry Belafonte to use them, but he demanded an audition, and the Cold Crush refused because they were the premier group at the time and felt an audition was an insult. Actually, that was a mistake on their part because they could have captured a huge audience by appearing in the film. At the time they were more interested in live performance than records or films. Grandmaster Caz should have become a major star, but never got over the hump.
OR: What is your opinion of the transformation in Hip Hop from then to now?
SH: Don't really listen to much hip hop, especially the gangsta stuff, just don't connect with the message. I did like Asher Roth's "I Love College" even though it's just a party song because I like Asher's personality.
OR: What would you like to see change in today’s Hip Hop?
SH: It's not for me to prescribe anything to today's artists. But I'd like to see more respect for the First Generation. I'd like to see more remakes of the original songs, and more use of the First Generation on the CD's being released today. The big hip hop stars of today should reach out to people like Grandmaster Caz, Sha-Rock and Coke La Rock and invite them to do duets with them. You can also purchase Steven Hager's book at
Through the movie Beat Street one song and group will forever be a part of me, "The Message" by The Furious Five. This song is very relative in Hip Hop. The title is self explanatory. I was fortunate to interview The Furious Five's legendary Hype Man, Dynamite. Here's the interview posted below.
OR: First, I would like to thank you for taking the time out to answer these questions. You are truly one of the originators of Hip Hop. Many refer to you as not only one of the first but the best Hype man in the business. How were you introduced into the industry and what is a Hype man?
RDS:Why Thank you. I come from a time when the Hype man was truly an entertainer. My early influences and idols were Cats like Bobby Byrd, Jerome from The Time (although we started the at the same time) and a guy many of you probably never heard of named L.T.D who performed with D.J Hollywood in New York. These Cats had the knack to steal the show but never over shadowed the lead. Bobby Byrd was always right in the pocket and complimented every move James Brown made. I remember my Dad taking me to see James Brown at the Apollo when I was 8 and there was a part in the act when James Brown would leave the stage as Bobby Byrd egged the crowd on for an encore. He would scream James Brown! James Brown! James Brown! As he placed this cape on James' back leading him off stage James would hurl the cape off his back and return for the encore. Priceless. They would do that about three times to the delight of the audience.
Jerome just had this stage presence. He and Morris Day were like one. Their smooth as silk choreography made The Time untouchable on that stage. You couldn't go on after The Time. And the thing they did with the Mirror was show stopping material. I mean when you got your own dance (The Bird) you doing something right. We always had this friendly competition between us and he remains one of my dear friends in this business. Just saw him at the Soul Train awards.
D.J Hollywood is a Cat from New York who is definitely one of those unsung Pioneers. At his height in 76 77 he would do three to four parties a night easy. But when he played Club 371 in The Bronx those parties were stuff of Legend. He had a group of kids that followed him around called The Corporation and the leader was this Cat called LTD. Not only was he this great dancer but he lead the call and response that Hollywood would do with the Crowd. For example Hollywood would be D.Jing and out of the crowd a voice would scream
LTD- Holly!
Hollywood- What
LTD- Shake Your Wood!
Hollywood- What you say
And Then the crowd would repeat that. I always knew if I could command a crowd like that it would make the actual M.C's job that much easier.
OR:The Furious 5 has to be one of the best to ever make it in Hip Hop. You guys took Hip Hop to another level. I can remember being a little girl when the song The Message came out. It's funny because I think every kid born in the 70's can relate to their mom singing Don't Push Me Cause I'm Close To The Edge! I'm Trying Not To Lose My Head! How does it make you feel being a part of Hip Hop history?
RDS:The Message was a career defining record. It's almost a gift and a curse because I never wanted to be in the group. I had solo aspirations with them Producing me. Myself and group founder the late Keith Cowboy were best friends and he was more or less the M.C who's job it was to handle crowd response. I was brought on to handle the groups business. As an intern at Sugar hill Records that's the job I was groomed for. But while on tour we needed a way to end The Message to coincide with the cop part at the end of the song. So I donned a Police suit and would run on stage and drag the group off. It worked so well we decided to keep me in the act but instead of at the end of The Message we realized it would work better if I came out before we did The Message leading the crowd to believe that the show was over thus setting The Message up for the encore. So when Flash left and the group first split up it was only natural for me to become a full time touring member. I developed a good chemistry with Melle Mel thus freeing up Cowboy to Rhyme more.
OR:Hip Hop began as a culture, a lot of tears sweat and hard work went into making an Album. When you went to a Rap concert you really saw a concert. It was labeled a concert and not a show. There were Breakers costumes dance routines and passion. You didn't mind paying for a Ticket because it was worth it. Now days a show is what you pay for versus a concert. A ticket for a show consist of an Artist and a Hype man. The dancing consist of the artist prancing back and forth on stage. Would you agree that Hip Hop has def changed?
RDS:I'm glad you brought that up because it's definitely changed for the worst from the times we went out. What a lot of people don't realize is that we didn't tour with other Rap Acts. We toured with Cameo, The Barkays, The Commodores, Rick James, The Zapp Band, The Ojays and the top R&B acts of the day. We used to catch alot of slack because we didn't have a band. They wanted to pay us less money because we didn't have a band. So in our minds we wanted to destroy all those acts on stage and in order to do that we had to have the best show in town. So our act was more like a Broadway show incorporated with our Records and I would like to think alot of that had to do with me. I would physically get into a fight onstage every night with Melle Mel as part of the intro to The Message (Don't Push Me Man!) and get all my clothes torn off. I would get my head chopped off in a guillotine, I would dress up as Demon and levitate across the stage through fog. It all goes back to A&R and I blame the Record companies for just throwing these kids out on stage with no formal training. So now what you get is Lil Wayne with his pants hanging to his ankles holding his crotch and a Hype man whose singing the lead louder than the principle. Jay Z had a terrible show at one time but he got better after years of touring.
OR:Again music has and still is transforming to this very day, What is your opinion of Hip Hop today.
RDS:Its just a bunch of commercial nonsense made to sell ring tones and alot of it has no substance. The Message made us the first rap act inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and just this week we were nominated into The Grammy Hall of Fame. I know a lot of acts that wait their whole career and they never get that call. We did The Message 30 years ago and it still stands the test of times. 10 years from now you wont remember any of these songs done today or the Artist that sung them. Remember Laffy Taffy?
OR:Who's your favorite Hype man?
RDS:I def gotta give it up to Spliff Star. Buster Rhymes Hype man. He's on another level. And I'll also give a nod to the Late Freaky Tah from The Lost Boyz. Puffy was definitely a better Hype man than an Artist. And Flava Flav can kiss the ass that birthed him.
OR:What is the difference between the music then and now?
RDS:Then, we did it for the love of the culture we helped to create. Now it's commercially driven by corporations that have a bottom line. Songs are made now with the intention of selling a product like say a Chevy or some Burgers. I call it disposable music.
OR:What advice do you have for the young person that is trying to get into the entertainment field
RDS:Find out what works best for them first and blaze your own path which is hard to do because all the Labels want to copy what worked for the other guy. So the best Artist today might not necessarily be the best selling one. Treat it like a business and save your money because whats hot today may be passe tomorrow. In closing I have a book I just completed called How I Keep From Goin Under I'm trying to get Published and a Play Called The Death of Hip Hop as well I'm trying to get done. Any interested parties contact me at and I thank you for your time and interest in my story. Shout to Melle Mel Scorpio Rahiem and Kidd Creole.
It was groups like this that made the path for younger artist to get into the business. Artist such as, Mc.Shan. Mc.Shan was part of the Juice Crew. He will forever be remembered in Rap History for the battle between KRS-1 and himself. Mc.Shan created hits like, Jane Stop This Crazy, The Bridge, Down By Law and many more. Shan was kind enough to share his history and opinion of Hip Hop. Check it out below.
OR:At what age did you start rapping?
MC.Shan: 18yrs.old
OR:Who besides yourself was part of The Juice Crew and where did you all grow up at?
MC.Shan: DJ Marley Marl, Roxanne Shante', Big Daddy Kane, Biz Markey and Mr.Magic (R.I.P.). We're from The South Bronx.
OR: In 1983, RUN DMC released the single, "It's Like That". Every city embraced it and every care blasted it through their Alpines. In 1987, you released "Down By Law" Did you feel pressured to ensure your album would receive the same praise as RUN DMC.
MC.Shan: No, not at all. Mc.Shan would've made music records regardless. It was what we do. (The Juice Crew). Rap was a break from the projects for me.
OR: In Philadelphia, Mc.Shan was instantly famous for the infamous battle between you and KRS-1 from Boogie Down Productions. Would you credit that as a contribution to the start of your career?
MC.Shan: Not at all. I credit Kris for making that dumb record because it went down in History.
OR: What is the difference between Hip Hop then to now?
MC.Shan: They ain't saying (bleep). In order to be successful in Hip Hop now all you need is a few gold chains and a Rolex.
OR: What is your opinion of the transformation of Hip Hop?
MC.Shan:Everything changes. Everything evolves. Get with it or get lost.
OR: What advice to you have for that teenager just starting out and trying to succeed in music industry?
MC.Shan: Learn your business. If not, my story will be your story. The owner of Cold Chillin' Records which happens to be my former manager took advantage of many artist on Juice Crew. Because I trusted him, he robbed me of my publishing right. This gives reason to Mc.Shan's last answer. Mc.Shan is now making cartoons. Check out site below.
In 1986, a female group named, Salt N Pepa hit the airwaves with the album, Hot, Cool and Vicious. Although, the majority of New York will credit them of being the first female rappers on wax it isn't true. Philly's own Lady B was the first female ever to have her rap recorded on wax. She then opened the doors for a lot of Philly rappers. When I was a young girl, I would practice her famous quote, "How You Doing?. Every Friday night I would sit in the kitchen under the ironing board and listen to Power 99fm's Street Beat., hosted by Lady B. She was also the first rap artist to have her own Hip Hop show on an AM station. It was female pioneers like Lady B that left the gate open for the female rapper, Yvette Money. Yvette Money was the first female in PHILADELPHIA to make a diss album on wax. Thank the Lord for LL Cool J's, "Dear Evette". For that album born one of Philly's finest, Yvette Money. Check out Yvette's history of being a female rapper from Philadelphia below.
OR: In 1985, LL Cool J made a record that unknown to him will go down in Philly's Ol' Skool History. That record was "Dear Evette" But, the record really didn't slam until the reply. The reply to Dear Evette was "Evette's Revenge".
How old were you when you recorded Evette's Revenge?
YM: I was 15
OR: Before the year 1988, there was a popular club named, The After Midnight. This is where a lot of new artist performed at in Philadelphia. LL Cool J also frequented The After Midnight.
What was LL Cool J's reaction when he first seen the feisty teenage girl that made the "Evette's Revenge" album?
YM: I had my first show in Bhutan with L(LL Cool J) and he wasn't too happy. He decline many interviews and magazine pictures. It wasn't until we did a show in Chester at Chester High that he became a gentleman. L came out on the side of the stage and gave me a dozen of roses. He apologized and said it angered him that I wasn't ugly. He said he thought I was a ugly chick by the way that I sound on the records. He was mad because he didn't have anything to reply back with. So, we became good friends there after.
OR: Lady B was the first female from Philadelphia to record a rap record. That record was "To The Beat Yall".
Did Lady B inspire you to become a rapper? If so, how?
YM: Lady B was the first female rapper on wax period. Not just in Philly but, world wide. Of course it inspired me. I tried to memorize every line. But, in my era to make a record was sooo far fetched for me. I didn't want to record until Roxanne Shante came out.
OR: Lil' Kim has been named the first hardcore rapper. This label was earned from the vulgar lyrics that she uses in her music. She earned the name as the first bad girl of rap. But, when I listened to Yvette's Revenge, she didn't deserve that title because you actually was the first female to use profanity in a rap. She is the first female rapper to use vulgar and sexual explicit lyrics in her music.
Would you accept the title of being the first bad girl in hip hop? If so, why?
YM: Yes, Of course I would accept it because it's rightfully mines. U can't change history. I did it first! OR: What is your opinion of the transformation in Hip Hop?
YM: The transformation wow... It's a big change because the respect is gone. If the new school knew the history and how hard we worked to get it where it is today. Kats wouldn't be so cocky with it. They wouldn't use it to degrade us as black people so much. I feel the new school is selfish and only think of themselves, they just wanna sell records and get paid as the play devils advocate. They don't think of the consequences and the way they degrading our women, how they putting in our young black youth mines the us as black women aren't shit. If we don't take it off enough were not shit and if we take it off to much we still ain't shit. So black women are in a lose lose situation. Our men walking around thinking it cool to have their pants hanging down off their add, not know the true meaning of it. Not knowing that's to let other dudes in prison know who's AVAILABLE SEXUALLY. Everything is about a pay check now... The fun and the heart of hip hop is gone.
OR: If you could take any female rapper back in a time capsule to your era, who would it be and why?
YM: A female rapper to take back in time???? Teflon from Philly. She's an up and coming artist that is also my niece. It's not because of her being my niece.but, her skills are crazy. She have that love, that respect and the Passion for hip hop. She wants to know the history and if we have more people in hip hop today like her... I feel hip hop will get that respect again.
This leads me to the end of "Bring That Beat Back". A lot of people don't know that here in Philly a lot of history in music was made. There was a time that Philly's Deejays had the best beats. I'm talking about Parry P, Jazzy Jeff, Woody Wood, etc the list goes on. Artist would actually travel from New York to get beats from the greats mentioned above. Stop believing that NWA was the first Gangsta Rappers. The truth is Schooly D was the first Gangsta Rapper, period. Check out a little musical history from Philly Legends below:
I would like to thank each and everyone that participated in making such a wonderful story. Each entertainer and writer took the time out of their busy schedule to give me their story. I thank you and I am so appreciative to your involvement in the culture of Hip Hop. Let's Bring That Beat Back.....Peace..
Okay guys as if Mama Jones wasn't enough. I think that we all deserve the afternoon treat of seeing Love and Hip Hop again. Press fast forward to see Chrissy sneak Kimbella. It's about to go down.
Seriously, this is when it's time to say "Mom mind your business!". There is a total lack of respect for mother and child as well as mother and girlfriend. I would be horrified if my boyfriend's mother made a rap about me. Wait let me re-track that. I will be mortified if my boyfriend's mother thought it was okay to wear daisy dukes and stilletto heels at the age of 80. This is a whole mess. View for yourself.
A few weeks ago I posted a story about the senseless murders in Philadelphia. The goal of the story was to give those who take part in senseless murders a chance to experience the aftermath of taking some one's life. It also give reasons to how a beef with one person can divide a family of ten. When someone life is taken deliberately by the hands of crime the decease isn't the one whom is left to experience the pain because he/she is dead. However, the parents, sibling(s), close friends and I could go on and on are the ones to experience the pain of it. I'm certain that you understand the point that I am making. According to the Philadelphia Police Department, we are now November 12, 2011 reached 283 murders since the last count was taken November 11,2011 at 11:59pm. That is insane and ridiculous. This is an accurate count and later in this story I will provide you with resources to keep you abreast of what's going on in our community. Two women were kind enough to share their stories of loved ones taken away due to yet another senseless murder. After reading these stories please share.
Shirley Hooks a.k.a."Kitty" (Girlfriend/ Mother of Son)
Victim: Azizuddin Uqdah
Age: 26yrs Old.
OR: What was your relation to the victim?
SH: He was my son's father
OR: Was this a result of another senseless murder in the city of Philadelphia?
SH: Yes it was the result of a senseless murder. It's been 21 years and no one was ever convicted. The case remains unsolved.
OR: What were you doing the moment that you received the news?
SH: I was at the hospital when the doctor told us he didn't make it after the surgery bullet hit his heart
OR: If you had to use one word to describe how you felt at that very moment, What word would it be?
SH: Devastated
OR: At what age did he die and how old was your son?
SH: He was 26yrs old and our son was 2yrs old.
OR: Did the passing of his father affect him emotionally when he was old enough to understand? If so, how?
SH: He has no memory of his father. However, I tell him about his father, including the good and the bad.
OR: Was the person(s) ever convicted for his murder?
SH: No one was ever convicted of the crime.
OR: If you were granted the opportunity to share your feelings with those responsible for his untimely demise, What will be your final words to them?
SH: Why?
OR: What do you miss most of him? Describe his personality and the effect his death had on you as a companion and child mother?
SH: Although he was into the streets, he was not a violent person he would have helped anyone not hurt them. It was very hard for me raising my son because he always asked where his dad was. I did it though. My son is a college graduate and lives in California. He has a good relationship with his father's family and we are very tight. I went through a personal growth myself. I had to get a job. I later bought myself a home because we were left with no money. There was no insurance policy and the lifestyle that I was accustomed to had to be scaled down. All of his friends turned their backs on us. I had to do what a mother has to do. I also had a daughter. We prevailed and I struggled for awhile. I sold my jewelry to pay bills until I found stable employment.
I miss him. We had our Ups and downs. But, he loved me I have never met a man that was so giving of himself to everyone. I always felt bad because my son never had a chance to get to know his father or how wonderful he was. I tell my son about his dad every chance I get. He's so much like his father that it scares me at times. I thank God for the six years of my life that I was allowed to share with him. I was left with a piece of him that serves as a reminder of our love and time together, our son. For all the mothers out here whom don't allow the fathers to see their children, think about it. Children need a father. Drug dealers be mindful of the life you live because your children will be affected.
Tiffanie Gilmore (sister)
Victim: Nasir Ali Mateen Oakley (Nas)
OR: Who was Nasir? Describe Nasir's character?
TG: Highly intelligent, charismatic, funny, and a natural born Leader, are just a few adjectives to describe the man my brother became. Nasir was my protector! But on the streets he hid behind a tough persona.
OR: What happened to Nasir?
TG: Nas, was killed by a family friend April 25, 2004. Although many stories have circulated throughout our neighborhood, only Nasir and Derrick Harper aka Howie knows what happened between the two of them. Therefore, I can only share with you what my brother told me the evening before he was killed.
Reflecting back, I’m not sure what was going on throughout the week. My mother told Nasir not to visit her home in Logan. Sunday, April 24, 2004 around 8:30 pm my brother Nasir came to my mother’s home when she was at church. I asked my brother what he was doing in Logan. He said, “I’m going out tonight and I can come down here if I want to!” I asked Nas why our mother didn't want him in Logan, and this is what he said “Howie, had taken a gun that belonged to me from a mutual friend, he wouldn’t give me my gun back so I took his red coat and his stuff!” We talked for a little while longer, said our goodbyes, and Nas left. Sometime in the early hours in the morning my mother received a phone call that Nasir had been shot and he was rushed to Einstein Hospital. I’m not sure how or who took us to the hospital. I just remember waiting in a room with family members and friends while Nasir was in the operating room.
OR: What was your reaction that very moment that you received the news about your brother's passing?
TG: The very moment I received the news of Nas passing seemed so unreal. It was as if I was dreaming! The Doctor’s told us we could see him, but we couldn’t touch him. Me, my mom, and my cousin Tammy went into the operating room. Nas looked so peaceful, just like he was asleep. My cousin Tammy was crying hysterically. My mom wanted to touch my brother, but the Doctor’s said no! Up until that point I think I was in shock. I remember crying and pleading with the Doctor’s. I remember saying “That’s her son! Her son! She had him! Why can’t she touch him?
OR: What were your feelings for the person that took life from your brother at that time?
TG: At the time of Nas death, I was so angry with Howie. I felt so betrayed because our families grew up together. My Uncle made sure to take care of him in prison. I helped my mom prepare food for his family when his mom passed away. Howie and his brothers even referred to my mother as mom! Disbelief, I never would have imaged that someone so close would have taken this route.
OR: What are your feelings of them now?
TG: Nowadays, I’m more so content with my brother’s death. I forgive Howie and I dare not harden my heart towards him. Although, I do not condone Howie’s actions, I know it’s the way of the “Streets". You will either end up in jail or six feet deep. So there’s no point in stressing over something that I cannot change. I’ll never forget my brother and I doubt that Howie will either. Hopefully, Nas memory is constantly playing back in Howie’s mind, just as it plays back in mine. I feel Nasir’s memory alone is enough to disturb his sleep at night.
OR: Was the case ever solved? If so, do you think the outcome was decided against fairly?
TG: My family was told that there were a lot of people at the scene when my brother was killed. Unfortunately, no one would come forth with a statement. Therefore, Howie was never charged with my brother’s death.
OR: What advice or support do you have for that sister you don't know who has or is sharing the same drastic loss of her brother to assist in healing?
TR: For family members who are also experiencing the same drastic loss of a love one, I salute you! Coping with the loss of my brother has been very challenging at times. Although it has been 7 years, I still have some good and bad days when a thought of Nas enters my mind. However, I try not to dwell so much on the negative aspects, I tend to think about the happy times we shared together. This may seem a little strange to some people but our family still celebrates Nas birthday with memorials each year. During those times our family and friends have shirts made, throw a big BBQ, and release balloons at Broad & Loudon. That is the location where my brother was shot. These are just some of the things that we do to help us in our healing process.
Nasir may be Gone, but he’ll never be Forgotten!!
I would like to take the time to thank everyone that participated in any project that I asked for your assistance on. Some of the things that I request for people to share be very personal and it sometimes take people to a place in their mind that they hate to revisit. The goal of this article is to give people a look inside the heart of those whom loved ones were taken unwillingly. I love you all and forever will I be grateful to each and everyone of you that is reading this now. Be Blessed....
I am currently working on two articles. One article is regarding the victims survivors of those that were murdered in the streets of Philadelphia. The goal of this project is to give those who commit or are contemplating committing a crime, the end results of senseless murders. I want the emotions of siblings, children, mother/father, girlfriend/boyfriend, best friend, etc. of those who are affected by these murders. Hopefully, this will make a difference with our sometimes careless choices we make in life. It is time to make these politicians such as senators, governors, mayors, and state representatives prove that they deserve to be in the positions they are currently in or are requesting votes to be elected. Make them earn it. They need to not only give answers but assure us that our crime rate will go down, that our murder rate will go down, that they are all for re-building the city of Philadelphia in a positive manner. This is important. If you have or know someone that experienced a loss in a result of violence in Philadelphia or anywhere else for that matter please share. Share how you felt when you got the call that your loved one was hurt, that your loved one was left for dead, etc. A solution can't be given if we DO NOT address the problem. Please contact me at . The questions are brief and can be sent to you via email. Thank you all for your constant support.
I recently was granted the opportunity to do an interview with Author and Widow Thelma Wright. For those of you who aren't familiar with her story I will briefly update you. Thelma Wright is the widow of deceased Black Mafia member, Jackie Wright. She has written a book named, "With Eyes From Both Sides". The book is about her life with and without her husband. She gives descriptive details of life in and out of the game. After her husband was murdered, she continued on with his business. She handled her business with a different approach and surpassed many men in the game. She shortly was labeled a Queen Pin by many. Thelma has a message that is delivered classy but fierce. This book is definitely something that should be shared with both young females and males.
OR: First of all, after reading "With Eyes From Both Sides" I have to ask what inspired you to write the book?
TW: For many years I felt this was a story that needed to be told. There were questions regarding my relationship with my husband and his untimely death. I wanted to set the record straight, in addition I wanted people to know the consequences of getting involved in the game.
OR:You mentioned real names and actual events that took place. At anytime, did you feel like your life was or will be in danger? TW: No, not all the names were correct. I didn't feel I would be in danger because this was my story about my life. Those were just some of the events that took place during that time.
OR:From reading your book I think that it's fair to say that you come from a normal upbringing. Meaning, a two parent household and loving family. What attracted you to your first love, Maleek? TW:Maleek was a guy that came along when I was very young and naive. He had money and exposed me to some of the finer things in life. But, in reality there was no real love.
OR:In a lot of books, readers find themselves infatuated with certain characters. For me and many other readers that character would be Jackie Wright. He seemed smooth and charismatic. Was this what attracted you to him? TW: Absolutely, very charming, handsome, easy to talk to, we had a lot in common. More importantly, a real man.
OR: Before you two were married you mentioned that he shot you in the leg. Although, many women will voice their opinion of why staying with him wasn't a wise decision. We both know being a woman first and in love second that many would have stayed in the relationship as well. Were you ridiculed and judged for your decision? If so, how did you feel? TW: No, I wasn' least not to my face.
OR: After you and Jackie were married with a beautiful child it seemed like things took turns for the worst. Meaning the murders, adultery, and his drug use. How did you hold it together and weather the storm? TW: That time was difficult for me. There were times I wanted to leave him, I wanted my son to have a life with his father so I was often torn between what was right from wrong. I loved Jackie very much but I didn't want that life for my son. When Jackie decided to send us away, I felt that was God's way of opening the door for us and I promised to never return at least not to that life the way things were.
OR: The saddest part of the book was when your son realized that his Father wasn't coming back. Even at this very moment I'm teary-eyed. I can only imagine the pain you felt. I couldn't imagine having to tell my son that his father was killed and he will never see him again. Was it hard to open up and share that tad bit with your readers? If so, why? TW: Yes that was one of the most difficult times for me while doing the book. I cried all over again as if it had just happened. A mother never wants her child to hurt in anyway, and that day I felt his pain deep inside of me.
OR: After your husband died, you continued on with his business. You maintained the business relationship of his supplier and players in the game. You were young, smart and beautiful. What made you want to be involved in the game at that level? Is it something that you grew accustomed to? Is it a possibility that you were more so addicted to the lifestyle? TW: Prior to my husband's associate asking me to help them continue to go on after his death, I never thought about stepping into his shoes. I was accustomed to living a good lifestyle but my whole objective was to make as much money as possible to provide for my son in the future. We always believe that things will be different when we do them but that was not the case.
OR: Going towards the end of the book you mentioned a new love, "AJ". I think everybody fell in love with that character. AJ seemed to be doing it big time. I'm certain that by you being a woman of a certain status men can feel somewhat intimidated. At any point in your relationship with not only AJ but others as well did your status intimidate those you were dating? TW: Well with "AJ" we are good. We understand one another, we have a lot in common. We don't allow our ego's to get in the way. We compliment one another. We are secure within our own right. With other men, I can admit yes there was intimidation on their part because I guess they were not secure within themselves.
OR: We have so many young women out here that is searching for their own Jackie Wright. There are so many young girls that are blinded by material things. They're so blinded that they don't realize the things that come along with it. What advise do you have for these sisters and the parents that are raising them? TW Parents support your Daughters make them understand that when their is no one else they can trust and count on you. Attempt to understand and be their for them and most importantly, Love them unconditionally!
As I stated many times in previous post, by no means do I glorify illegal activities in any form, shape or fashion. However, I glorify those whom are willing to share their testimonies to help someone else. Your testimony is useless if you don't share it. Nobody learns from a story untold. Be blessed and make it a priority to purchase this book. You can read more about Thelma Wright and purchase the book with a preview at Thank you all for your constant support. Peace to all.......
I write a lot of blogs about a lot of different things. I mainly try to cater to all audiences. I write a lot about the gangsters of 1970's to the 1990's era. But, I never fill you guys in on the females in these men lives. For instance, I never tell you what happens to the women or how they lives have changed if they did change. Well, I'm going to share a few stories now for you.
Everyone is familiar with the story of Bumpy Johnson. If you seen Hoodlum you seen Lawrence Fishbourne portray the role of Bumpy Johnson. The movie takes place in Harlem and allegedly based on the life of Ellswood "Bumpy" Johnson.
Bumpy Johnson was born October 31,1905 in Charleston, SC. He was given the nickname Bumpy because of a big bump on the back of his head. At the age of 10 his older brother, Willie was accused of killing a white man. Afraid that he would be lynched their parents mortgaged their home and sent Wille up North to live with relatives. Not long after, Bumpy was sent North as well because of his temper and intolerance of white people. He stayed with his older sister, Mabel in Harlem, New York.
This is where the legendary, Bumpy Johnson earned the title as a Harlem legend. He was friends with many Harlem luminaries such as, Bojangles, Billie Holiday, and Sugar Ray Robinson. Also, it's rumored that he had a brief fling with Lena Horne. But, even the beautiful Lena Horne couldn't take the spot in his heart for 34-year-old Mayme Hatcher. In 1948 he met Mayme Hatcher at Frasier's Restaurant on Seventh Avenue in Harlem. The couple married married six months later. Bumpy died of heart failure on Sunday, July 7, 1968 at age 62. Many years later documentaries came out about another Harlem gangster named, Frank Lucas. Frank Lucas speaks of great praises of how Bumpy Johnson was more than a mentor to him. In fact, he said numerous times that Bumpy Johnson was like a father to him. He even says that Bumpy died in his arms. But, Bumpy Johnson's widow, Mayme tells a different story. She accuses Frank of being a liar and even wrote a book about her deceased husband named, "Harlem Godfather: The Rap on My Husband, Ellsworth "Bumpy"
Johnson," Where is Mayme now? Sadly, after moving to Philadelphia in 2003 she died of respiratory failure. She was 94 years old. Check out interview below of Mayme Hatcher Johnson, the widow of Bumpy Johnson......
Although, this next person isn't dead he still has a wife that was left chasing a dream. Frank Lucas was born September 9, 1930 in La Grange, North Carolina. He grew up in Greensboro, NC. He barely had any formal education when he moved to Harlem, NY. He was a constructor of an international drug empire that spanned from New York to Southeast Asia. Of course, this led to power. He was street rich. This brought on popularity and respect.
It also brought abroad Frank's wife, Julianna Farrait. In 2007, Denzel Washington portrayed the role of Frank Lucas in a movie about Frank's life named, "American Gangster". His wife, Julianna was portrayed by actress, Lymari Nadal. In a 2008 interview Julianna admits to always being attracted to danger. She met Frank Lucas shortly after leaving Puerto Rico in 1969. Allegedly, she knew nothing about Frank's drug dealing until a year after they were dating. She claims that she left him once after fighting over his dealings with drugs. She was fascinated with the exotic trips, expensive jewelry, and fancy cars. Well, apparently Julianna was spoiled from her life with Frank and decided that she wouldn't give it up under any circumstances.
Julianna Farrait was arrested after officials said she tried to sell 2 kilograms of cocaine at a hotel in Puerto Rico. Julianna Farrait, 70, appeared in court last year and did not say anything except to request that the judge speak to her in Spanish. She was charged with conspiracy to violate the narcotics law. In a recorded conversation on May 11, Farrait allegedly told an informant she had two kilograms of cocaine in Puerto Rico and that another suspect had an additional eight kilograms for buyers, according to the complaint. On May 19, Farrait allegedly met with an informant at a hotel room in the Isla Verde and unveiled the drugs. Agents with the Drug Enforcement Administration then entered the room and arrested her, the complaint stated. Federal agents in New York had been following Farrait since February 2009 with help from an informant, according to the complaint. I guess stupidity doesn't have an age requirement.
A lot of you have followed the story of Harlem's Drug Kingpin, Nicky Barnes. For those who don't know who he is, I'll give you a brief description. Nicky Barnes is an ex-heroin addict who kicked his habit after being incarcerated only to become one of the world's biggest heroin dealers. He ran with a tight crew and fancied the bedroom of many ladies. Of course, all good things benefited from evil comes to an end. He was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. Instead of doing his time he decided to rat (snitch) on his friends. He stated that the only reason he snitched is because his crew went against the rules that they had set for themselves as a group. His wife was accused of carrying on an affair with a member of his crew. Fair to say that his time was cut short and he was placed in a witness protection program. Well, this story doesn't just end with two women left behind in wicked situations. Nicky Barnes reveals in his book, “Mr. Untouchable.” Despite being in prison, former drug lord Nicky Barnes was involved with two very attractive black women, Tee and Shamecca. Barnes had one of his associates on the outside buy Shamecca a BMW and Tee found out about it.
Tee got a glimpse of Shamecca in a Harlem restaurant. She parked her car, stormed in the restaurant and gave Shamecca a beatdown. After they were separated, Shamecca left the restaurant, got into her car and drove off. Out of nowhere, Tee rammed her BMW, a full-on collision. The women got out of their cars and began fighting again. Bystanders had to break them up.
A few weeks later, Tee visited Barnes in jail and told him, “Your little bitch Shamecca was out with your protégé Guy Fischer, center photo above, at a basketball game. They were kissing and she was rubbing her fingers though his hair.” Barnes thought Tee was trying to start trouble because she was jealous until a week later, when a friend confirmed the same thing. Barnes also found out that Guy was hogging all the money from the other guys and had bought two Mercedes Benz’s, a Rolls Royce and a Lear Jet to take weekend shopping excursions to Paris.
To make matters worse, he found out that Tee was now messing around with a guy named Tito and this man had moved into the penthouse Barnes had bought Tee, Barnes was infuriated.
During this time, the DEA sent Barnes a manila folder. He opened the envelope and saw photos of Guy eating with Shamecca, kissing her and holding on to her at a basketball game. The envelope also contained the following information: In 1977, during Nicky and Guy’s Federal trial, although Nicky was locked up because his bail had been revoked, Guy was out on bail and Nicky instructed him to find out which juror had financial problems and offer that person $100,000 to rule in their favor. He learned that Guy found a juror, paid her off and instructed her to get him off, only. Barnes was furious and vowed to bring Guy Fisher down!
This was the moment that Barnes decided to snitch on his entire organization. He also planned to get back at Tee and Shamecca for cheating on him.
Due to Barnes’ information, everyone in the organization received indictments, including Tee and Shamecca.
Shamecca was out on $50,000 bail and was sitting at the Monarch Tavern in WashingtonHeights when a guy came from behind in a white ski mask, shooting her in the neck and the back of the head with a .45, killing her. Witnesses thought it was a black man who wore a white mask. Barnes says, they were right, although I did not order this hit, my nephew Mellon carried out this job. He got so entrenched with the Italian mafia and Shamecca knew a few secrets about his operation, he didn’t want her to rat on him or his Italian friends. When an Italian supplier told him, if he carried out the hit, Gotti and the Brooklyn crew would be endeared to him. Mellon jumped at the chance to impress Gotti.
Around this time, Barnes’ learned that Guy Fisher (the new kingpin) and the organization, known as ‘The Council,’ had put out an $8 million dollar contract on his life and his children’s life. Guy allegedly wanted Barnes’ entire family taken out.
Meanwhile, Tee pled guilty to running a heroin ring and got a 10-year sentence. She also turned over $10 million dollars of Barnes’ money to the Feds. Barnes’ wondered, where was the rest of the money? The money he left in hundreds of safe deposit boxes all over the world. He figured, Tee probably got greedy and kept that money for herself.
The Feds also told Tee that they would reduce her sentence if she testified against John Gotti, she declined, she was too scared and she remembered what happened to Shamecca.
Well, as always it's been a pleasure. I want to send out a big thank you for those who consistently support my blog. You are the greatest. May God comfort all of you and bless you abundantly...Peace..
Sadly, songstress Amy Winehouse was found dead at the age of 27 in her home. Details or cause of her death is unknown as of now. However, there are many speculations that is circulating through the tabloids and the Internet. We all are quite familiar with Amy's longtime drug and alcohol abuse. But, that doesn't justify or consolidate any reasons for her to be dead at such an early age. At the age of 27, some of our lives are just beginning. Again, I am uncertain of details surrounding the cause of her death but, the life of Stardom seems so dark and empty. If you pay attention to certain celebrity photos you can notice the dark and emptiness in their eyes. Some seem empty. Before, deviating from the topic. I have listed a few celebrities including athletes that died young because of drugs. Again, this doesn't mean that I'm saying that drugs are the cause of Amy Whinehouse death.
After recording on the evening of the 3rd, Janis Joplin and band member, Ken Pearson had a couple of drinks at Barney's Beanery. Just after midnight, they drove back to the hotel at 7047 Franklin. Inside room 105, she shot up her last fix of heroin. She returned to the hotel lobby to get change for a five dollar bill, for cigarettes. She chatted casually with the hotel clerk, who later said she seemed perfectly natural (and he didn't know who she was). When she returned to her room, she collapsed beside the bed, almost breaking her nose. She was wedged against a bedside table, with a cigarette in her hand. One of her band members, became alarmed when she didn't show up for the recording session the next morning, and after unsuccessfully trying to reach her by telephone, he went to the hotel, broke down the door and found her dead. She was 27 years old.
Nancy Spungen was born In Philadelphia in 1958. A disturbed child, in later years was described as, "unbelievably thick-skinned" and one person recalled, "one of the most unlikable people I've met. Everybody could see through her - except Sid." She was already a junkie and working as a prostitute in London when she and Sid met at a party in 1977. According to some, it was Nancy that got him hooked on hard drugs. Sid and Nancy became inseparable, but a burden to the rest of the band. Think John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Sid and Nancy had a colorful visit with Nancy's parents for a few days. Before they moved on, Nancy announced to her mother "I'm going to die very soon. Before my 21st birthday. I won't live to be 21. I'm never going to be old. I don't ever want to be ugly and old. I'm an old lady now anyhow. I'm 80. There’s nothing left. I've already lived a whole lifetime. I'm going out. In a blaze of glory."
On October 12th 1978 Between the hours of 4am and 9am Nancy Spungen was killed in the bathroom of room 100 by a single stab wound to the stomach (just below the navel).
According to the crime report - Sid stated that around 1am they had an argument, Nancy was sitting on the edge of the bed, flicking the knife and he went to sleep. He woke up in the morning and the bed was wet with blood. He thought he had pissed himself. He found Nancy on the bathroom floor - still breathing. He left, for the methadone clinic. Returning, he washed off the knife, and attempted to wash her off as well. A tidy home is a happy home. When he couldn't get her clean, he called for help.
He said he had no recollection of what happened to her.
Later he said she hit him and he hit her on the top of the head and knocked her onto the bed. "I stabbed her but I didn't mean to kill her. I loved her, but she treated me like shit."
He also said she must have fallen on the knife and that she must have dragged herself into the bathroom. As you do.
Sid was charged with second degree murder the same day and was taken to Rikers Island. He was back on the streets a week later when some mega-lenient judge saw it fit to grant him $50,000 bail. On his release, Sid and his mother checked into the Seville Hotel and it was here on October 22nd 1978, Sid made his first suicide attempt
He was rushed to the psychiatric ward of the Bellevue hospital, detoxed and again released by the judge, pending an evaluation. There was also the condition that he report to the police everyday and attend the methadone clinic.
Back in London - Malcolm McClaren printed up shirts with Sid's image holding a knife, and the slogan, "She's Dead, I'm Yours."
After being released from Rikers a second time (awesome!) where he had been put for fighting with Patti Smith's brother Todd at ‘Hurrah’s’ music club (on 62nd and Broadway), he hooked up with an unemployed actress named Michelle Robinson. She was hot to land that catch. Oh, Sid's mom came to New York as well, to help out with Sid's legal issues... and wreak havoc.
Celebrating Sid's release, they held a party in Michelle's flat. Sid wore an I Love New York t-shirt and jeans. He ate spaghetti bolognese. Around midnight he shot up heroin. He had been clean for a week, and it hit him hard. He collapsed and his lips and face were blue. They wrapped a blanket around him, and he came around. Mum said, "you gave us a fright!" Sid got up to puke, but ended up not being able to.
Having recovered, he conversed with Michelle and his Mum for roughly two hours, and retired to bed. Mum slept on the sofa. Michelle and the love of her life, were in bed. He had no more drugs, and no alcohol.
Mum woke around 8am to make herself a cuppa. She peeked in and saw Sid and Michelle sleeping, and heard Sid cough, and went back to snoozing. She woke again at noon and entered the bedroom to kiss Sid on the forehead. He was dead. In his sleep, nude, face up, in an apartment.
There is a common report that Sid's mum "ordered in" the heroin herself, like a good mum would, to save Sid from having to score it on his own. However, according to the police report, the heroin was obtained by "a friend."
There is another report that Sid asked Michelle to shoot him up with heroin, as he had the shakes. She left the room, told Mrs. Vicious - who then entered the room and shot him up. Thanks MUM!
In her own words:
Simon had a rose pink aura around his whole body. I said , 'Jesus, son that must have been a good hit.' He was elated, quietly so. Elated on the inside, coming out, creating the aura."
Mum wasn’t able to comply 100% with Sid’s wishes, his having been already incinerated. The Spungen family said HELL NO, and refused to tell her where Nancy was buried. According to legend, she found out anyway. She waited till dark, then scrambled over the wall of the cemetery and dumped Sid on top of Nancy's grave.
Kurt Cobain and his wife Courtney Love, moved into a house located in Seattle, Washington. Shortly after they moved in, Love and Cobain had an argument, and Kurt locked himself in a room. Love feared that Kurt was going to do it (kill himself) then, and called the police. They came, and confiscated three handguns, a semiautomatic rifle, and 25 boxes of ammunition. Allegedly, Kurt once said something about joining "The 27 Club", which is a group of famous musicians who all died at age 27 (Hendrix, Joplin, Morrison, etc...), and that he purposely committed suicide at age 27 to do so.
On Friday the 8th of April 1994, at 8:40am, an electrician named Gary Smith had come to install a burglar alarm. He was told that the occupants were out of town. Upon looking in the window above the garage he discovered Kurt. Coroners estimated he'd been dead for 3 days. He was wearing jeans and a light colored T-shirt.
On the floor next to his body, was his drivers license, and on a shelf about 10 feet away, skewered into a potted plant by a pen, was his one page suicide note, written in red ink. Some of the note read, "It's better to burn out than fade away…I haven't felt the excitement…for too many years now," "I feel guilty beyond words about these things… when we are backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowd begins, it doesn't affect me." "The fact is…I can't fool you, any of you. It simply isn't fair to you or to me… the worst crime I can think of would be to pull people off by faking it and pretending as if I were having 100% fun." He signed it, "I love you. I love you." Kurt was 27 years old when he died. He also suffered from a longtime heroin addiction.
Jimi Hendrix died at 27 years old, leaving behind only 4 completed albums. Although he was staying in a London hotel at the time, on September 18th, 1970 Jimi was sleeping in his girlfriend Monika Danneman's flat. She left for cigarettes around 10:20, came back and saw him covered in vomit.She could not wake him and called Jimi's good friend Eric Burdon and explains that she could not wake Jimi up, and he's covered in puke.Eric shouted into the phone, "CALL THE FUCKING AMBULANCE!"Monika wasn't sure she should, because Jimi might get mad about the scandal.Burdon repeated his order.The ambulance attendants arrived about 20 minutes later, wrapped him up, and carried Jimi out of her flat.
"Instead of laying him down in the ambulance, they sat him in a chair and strapped him upright.He tried to bend over so he could vomit, but one of the attendants quickly pushed his head back and strapped him in tighter.Jimi's head lolled back as the ambulance driver took off.The speeding ambulance pressed his body back in the chair and made it even more difficult for him to get his head down.He felt bile and vomit near his Adam's apple.Jimi was unable to speak.Even if he could, the ball of vomit in his throat prevented him.The vomit massed in his vocal chords.His lungs became congested.His heart began to pump harder, and the right ventricle dilated.Fluid began to seep into his lungs.He was rushed from the ambulance into St.Mary Abbots Hospital. The doctors work on him for over an hour, to no avail."
He was pronounced dead at 11:25 am.His last meal was a tuna sandwich. He also used the drug barbiturate intoxication which contributed to choking on his own vomit.
Len Bias led Maryland to the second round of the 1986 NCAA Tournament. During his four year career he never made it past the sweet sixteen. The 22 year old forward died of cardiac arrest caused by a cocaine overdose on June 19,1986. This was two days after being selected with the second overall pick from the Boston Celtics.
This leads us up to the sadly missed Amy Winehouse. May she rest in peace. Be blessed all and thank you for your constant support...............................................