Ladies, I know some of you that is reading this blog with your significant other are about to fall out the chair. Keep your composure under pressure. He's now studying your body language. If you had this conversation with your current companion or potential husband I'm more than positive it was an awkward moment. You may have told him you had three sex partners but, we both know that you had five. Insider for the men no matter what number she gives you be certain to add additional two mentally. Ex: If she says four that really means six.
Now, let me ask you another question. Is it inappropriate for a man to ask a women how many sex partners she had? My personal opinion is that it's only unacceptable if you guys had H.I.V. testing together and have a clean bill of health. Anytime after that can cause a whole lot of tension and what ifs in the relationship. Because you really don't want to know anything that can jeopardize your budding or standing relationship. If it isn't broke don't go making repairs for what isn't visible.
Well this concludes my crazy thoughts. I hope that you all found this interesting and will share with others. Thank you for visiting and please come back..........Peace......
Well this concludes my crazy thoughts. I hope that you all found this interesting and will share with others. Thank you for visiting and please come back..........Peace......
YES I LIED! I am married and he thinks it was only 2. Well guess what it was 13.LOL Anyway he was and is religious. He has this whole concept about marrying as a virgin so I gave him the closest thing to a virgin and even acted like I was inexperienced only stepping it up as the marriage went on. He thought he brung out the wild side but it was just on hiatus! LOL I never cared about his past only wondering how they compared to me. Anyway, we both had our test for hiv, me everytime I have one of his babies! Women Lie men Lie. And when it comes to sexual past, why not!