March 27, 2010


Pretty soon marijuana is going to be legalized in the states.  This is going to increase job ratings. Listed below are a few things that they are looking for,   Only serious applicants apply.

  1. Applicants must have weed sales experience. 
  2. Applicants must have knowledge about the product that they are selling.  People liked to be sold on the product that they are buying.
  3. Applicants must provide their own research person to test product.  Customers need  to know before hand if your product is worth buying.
  4. All Applicants must agree to random drug test.  Don't nobody want your high ass stealing their product.
  5. Last but not least, you CAN NOT have a criminal background.  Especially if you were arrested for stealing.  Nobody has the time nor patience to deal with a theif.

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