March 12, 2011

Taking On Tyson

As if Reality Tv doesn't have enough non-sense to air, The Animal Planet channel decides to cash in on the bafoonery as well. Yes sir, Animal Planet aired the first episode of Boxing legend, Mike Tyson's reality show. Every Sunday at 10pm, Taking on Mike Tyson will air. A lot of us whom followed Mike Tyson's career know his passion for Pigeons. Yes, that is exactly what I said. Mike is learning to race pigeons and have allowed all of America to partake in Animal Planet making an ass out of him. I'm sorry but it's not coincidental that a man whom was penalized for biting a human being ear off to have a passion for lazy pigeons. WTF is what you were all thinking when you heard the rumors of the television show. Well, I got my hand on the trailer of his show. Only because I know that a lot of you won't watch it because it interferes with the ghetto reality shows that we intend not to miss an episode of. Thank you guys for all your support and don't just read the blog but press follow. Thank you so much, be blessed.

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